The Sun. Your sun sign is the location of the sun in the constellations at the time of your birth. When someone asks, “What’s your sign?” The answer is your sun sign.

The sun is our star, it brings light, warmth and life. As the giver of life, it the primary contributor of our true selves and the conscious mind. It represents the Spirit, the ego, our will, and our basic identity.

It represents our overall reason, our purpose and individual style. It is the controller of the self.

The Sun in different houses shows where one’s personality shines, it shines with confidence and energy. It shines in our lives with warmth and joy and our creative juices flow ans our personalities shine like the warm gentle spring. When the sun has a negative effect in a house, we can be over confident and egocentric while simultaneously depleting our energy and ambition to fulfill our goals.

Let’s use the musical artist Adele as an example.

Note her Sun is our topic:

Adele's Natal Chart

Interpretation of Adele’s Natal Sun:

SUN 15 Taurus 00

Sun in Taurus
You have a practical and down-to-earth nature, coupled with a strong desire to create secure and stable circumstances in life. Possessions and financial matters are important to you and, generally, you like to manage your own finances. You are naturally thrifty and have a knack for recognizing bargains. In touch with your physical senses, you know how to enjoy yourself and can, on occasion, indulge in sensuality. You are generally a patient and conservative person that doesn’t anger easily; however, you become a force to be reckoned with when pushed too far. You tend to prefer the status quo to change and can be quite inflexible and stubborn when you want to be. An artistic talent is possible.

Sun in 11th House
Your friends are important throughout life and you will possibly know people in high places. You may be active within groups or societies and hold important positions in them. You are socially aware and integrate well with others.

Sun Square Mars 3 56′ A
You are a dynamic personality and a readiness for action is your signature. However, you can also gain a reputation for impatience, reactive behavior and aggression. You thrive on adventure and are prepared to take risks that others wouldn’t contemplate. You need to guard against accident proneness. Advancements you make in life are based on your personal efforts and determination. You have quick reflexes and are able to respond to situations immediately. You may enjoy sports; certainly you take pleasure in setting challenges for yourself and competing with others.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter 1 46′ S
You have an essentially positive and optimistic outlook on life, coupled with a strong desire to improve your position in the world. You are motivated to expand your awareness and broaden your horizons, which you can do through travel and higher education. You are naturally enthusiastic, gregarious and generous towards others but can also be immoderate and wasteful or extravagant. You are inclined to overdo things, especially the good life, which can lead to weight gain and its associated problems.

Sun Trine Neptune 4 58′ S
You are highly sensitive and receptive. Your inner life is very active and spiritual experiences are familiar to you. In fact, you are inherently psychic and clairvoyant. You have the power of vision and inspiration, which may be expressed through the arts, healing or in some leadership capacity. Gifted with compassion and sympathy, you have an innate understanding of the needs of other people. You will probably travel far and wide in the course of your life, or at least have an empathy with the sea. Prone to seducing influences, you may be susceptible to intoxicants and stimulants.

Sun Opposition Pluto 3 56′ S
You desire power and authority and are a force to be reckoned with. You are used to getting your own way and have little time for compromise. Power struggles of varying degrees are experienced on a daily basis, especially with domineering or authoritarian personalities. You have the capability to achieve most anything you set your sights on, as you have great determination and intense focus, however, you can also be extreme and obsessive in your approach to things. You may go through the process of inner transformation and regeneration at different junctures in your life, by taking on new identities after old ones have served their purpose.

Sun Sextile Moon’s North Node 6 37′ A
You are essentially people oriented and motivated by the desire to form and cultivate associations. You have an aptitude for public related work and generally prefer the company of intellectually stimulating and creative people. You count important and significant people among your contacts.

Things To Know About The Sun In Astrology:

        • The Sun rules Leo.
        • The Sun is exalted in Aries
        • The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius
        • The Sun is never in retrograde
        • The Sun’s body and health affiliations are: The heart, spinal cord, and solar plexus.
        • Positive attributes: Warmth, joy, creativeness, energy, confidence, pride.
        • Negative attributes: Depletion and lack of drive, egocentric, arrogance.

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