Famous FolksMark Walberg

This Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of birth. It provides one with insights into their character and personal life potentials by indicating the strengths one may have and the challenges one may experience in life.

In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the descriptions of their character. This is to be expected; people are complex and have many contradictory facets to their personality.

Our famous folks’ charts are in the first-person.

We trust you will find the report insightful and helpful.

Natal Chart Report


Mark Wahlberg


Total Gemini


Birth Data

.Mark Wahlberg Natal Chart.

.5 Jun 1971 7:15:00 AM PDT +07:00:00.

.Boston Massachusetts USA 122w19’51 47n36’23.

.Geocentric Tropical Zodiac.

.Placidus House System.


The Ascendant describes your personality and image, the face you show the world, and the nature of your personal and wider environment.

Ascendant in Cancer

Your primary motivation in life is to feel emotionally secure. You are sensitive and emotional; however, you can also be over-sensitive and easily hurt by people. You are receptive to the needs of others and have a natural desire to care for or protect others. Family and domestic matters are always important to you and your home is your retreat and sanctuary. At times, you are susceptible to changeable moods, irritability and petulance.

Ascendant Trine Moon (7z01′ S)

You have natural empathy, coupled with an ability to make others feel at ease in your company. You enjoy good relations with others because you are generally easy-going, obliging and able to adapt to most situations. Women play an important role in your life and you have many contacts with them.

Ascendant Square Uranus (1z55′ S)

You are an original personality and delight in your uniqueness and individuality. You insist on having the freedom to do as you wish, even if it unsettles or upsets others. To some people, you are an exciting person to be around; to others you are unconventional and hard for them to understand. You need to take care not to come across as overly eccentric, because you may isolate yourself socially. You are intrinsically restless and will tend to have many changes of environment throughout the course of your life.


The Sun describes your sense of personal identity, your creative expression and ability to realize your individual potential and gain recognition.

Sun in Gemini

You have an intellectual attitude to life, with mental alertness and an enthusiasm for learning. Always curious, your interests can range from the sublime to the ridiculous. You enjoy change and variety with respect to friends and acquaintances and maintain an active social life. You are someone who lives in the present and for the moment. A natural communicator, you can excel as a speaker or writer. Playful and mischievous, you can, at times, be superficial and inclined to flit from one thing to another.

Sun in 12th House

You are a private person and require periods of seclusion to recover from the pressures of life. As a rule, you prefer to work behind-the-scenes and can feel uncomfortable under the glare of the spotlight. You experience fluctuating levels of self-confidence and tend not to be overly ambitious. You need to guard against making enemies of powerful individuals.

Sun Trine Mars (0z31′ A)

You have an abundance of energy, which you express positively and confidently. You have strong willpower and the drive to achieve whatever is important to you in life. Naturally assertive, you like taking charge of situations and making your intentions known. Self-motivated and ambitious, you enjoy an active life-style. Advancements you make in life are based on your personal efforts and determination. You have quick reflexes and are able to respond to situations immediately. Your physical body is strong and hardy.

Sun Trine Uranus (4z47′ S)

You are open to anything contemporary and progressive, including the possibilities offered by modern technology or science. Change rarely fazes you; in fact, you tend to welcome it. Keenly intuitive, you seem to have an uncanny sense for the ‘next big thing’. You are an original personality, with insight and the power to reform and carry out innovations. You are highly independent and freedom loving and refuse to be bound by convention.


The Moon describes your emotional nature, instinctual behavior and unconscious response patterns, and sense of home and family.

Moon in Scorpio

You have a deep and complex emotional life, with the tendency to feel things intensely. You tend to be secretive and suspicious of others. At times, your feelings can overwhelm you. Emotional dramas can surface from time to time. Conflicts are possible with family members. If hurt or slighted, you can be unforgiving and bear grudges. You tend to hold your feelings in. You are prepared to fight for what you believe in.

Moon in 5th House

You are emotionally sensitive and are likely to have your fair share of romantic encounters. You are imaginative and instinctively creative. The arts can play an important role in your life and you have an appreciation of artistic mediums. You enjoy an active and varied social life. You may be attracted to the entertainment industry or child-care.


Mercury describes your manner of expression, your powers of communication and intellectual reasoning, your ability to formulate and articulate ideas, and to make decisions.

Mercury in Taurus

You have a practical outlook on life. Your thinking tends to be formal or conservative and you prefer to think things through carefully and deeply before making decisions. You can be inclined to hold on to one-sided views and be reluctant to change your opinions once formed. An interest in music and art is likely.

Mercury in 11th House

Spending time with your friends is important to you, as you and they learn from one another. You enjoy acquiring and sharing knowledge with them. On occasion, you can tend to worry about your friends. You are a social and group-orientated person and may belong to common interest groups or societies. A natural networker, you are able to bring people together for a purpose or cause.

Mercury Conjunct Venus (5z02′ S)

Your thoughts are more often than not on love and relationships. You need to share your ideas and affections with those who are close to you. You have a pleasant manner and easily interact with others. You enjoy social activity and are good company because of your sense of fun. You have a creative intellect and an eye for beauty and artistic design. You may also have talents as a speaker or writer.

Mercury Opposition Jupiter (3z02′ A)

You are basically an optimist at heart and usually express a positive and confident outlook on life. In your desire to broaden your knowledge, you will most likely travel, correspond with people in other countries and possibly study or have business arrangements overseas. Possibly, you may have a tendency to be absent-minded, or inclined to overlook important details. Poor judgment or negligence can lead to problems with investments, contracts or legal documents. At times, you may be intellectually arrogant or prone to exaggeration.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn (1z28′ A)

Your thinking is serious, realistic and conservative. You tend to be precise in your speech, logical in your approach to things and methodical in your working habits. You have excellent powers of concentration and can succeed with academic study or research work. However, you can be prone to bouts of self-doubt regarding your mental abilities, which can restrict your educational achievements. You may experience communication difficulties caused by shyness, inhibition or a lack of self-confidence. Possibly, you may experience periods of depression and pessimism.

Mercury Opposition Neptune (4z27′ A)

You are highly intuitive and perceptive and seem to instinctively know what others may be thinking. You have an interest in metaphysical subjects and may even experience spiritual or psychic phenomena. Alternatively, your thinking can be confused or uncertain and you may experience difficulties making important decisions or communicating clearly to others. Possibly, you could be prone to self-deception or inclined to avoid facing uncomfortable realities. You may have a sensitive nervous system.

Mercury Trine Pluto (0z04′ A)

Your intellect is sharp and penetrating, which gives you the ability to get to the bottom of things. For this reason; you are well-suited to investigative and research work. Perceptive and observant, you possess psychological insight into the motivations of others and even seem to sense what they are thinking. You are keenly aware and able to assess situations quickly and accurately. You enjoy debating and impressing your ideas onto others.


Venus describes your appreciation of beauty and the arts, your powers of attraction, and your capacity for close personal relationships and love affairs.

Venus in Taurus

You have strong personal powers of attraction and desires. Emotional constancy, loyalty and stability are important to you in close relationships. However, difficulties in love can come about from possessiveness or jealousy. There can be a tendency to over-indulge in the good life and to risk weight gain. Artistic appreciation and talent are possible, especially in the tactile arts.

Venus in 11th House

Your social life is important and you will probably belong to a variety of groups or clubs. Romantic affairs and close friendships can be established through shared activities. In special circumstances, friendships can develop into love affairs, or vice versa. You attract cultured and artistically minded friends who appreciate good taste and refinement.

Venus Square Mars (7z04′ S)

You have a sensual and passionate nature, with a strong need for emotional and physical experiences. You express your feelings ardently, especially in personal relationships. You have strong desires and can be romantically assertive. In love, the thrill of the chase is often more exciting than the outcome. You are drawn to magnetic people who are aware of their own sexuality and will occasionally form unions based solely on physical attraction. Difficulties in love are possible through flirtatious behavior or infidelity. Possibly, you may be creative or artistic.

Venus Conjunct Saturn (6z31′ A)

Regarding matters of the heart, you are cautious and inclined to put practical considerations before romantic desires. You have a tendency to exercise self-control in love, perhaps at the expense of emotional satisfaction and spontaneity. People generally need to earn your trust before you allow them to get too close. Yet, once trust is established, you are very loyal and steadfast. You view relationships seriously and value stability and fidelity in love. You are attracted to people older than yourself and respect their life experience and maturity. At times, you enjoy time alone and are content in your own company. On occasion, you can be emotionally cool and indifferent. There may be difficulties in expressing affection and discomfort with intimacy. You can be inhibited and lack self-confidence in love, resulting in periods of loneliness.

Venus Trine Pluto (5z06′ A)

In love, you are prepared to make a total commitment and you expect the same in return. You tend to feel that you and your partner are meant for each other and no one else. Problems can arise in love through jealousy or possessiveness.


Mars describes the way you act and assert yourself, your basic urges and desires, and your ability to achieve personal goals.

Mars in Aquarius

You have your own unique ways of doing things and the ability to find innovative solutions to problems. You have a strong urge to act independently and will rebel against any restrictions imposed by others. Other people shouldn’t presume to tell you what to do, as they will get a swift reaction. You assert your right to act according to your own principles. You will also stand up for others.

Mars in 8th House

You have strong survival instincts and react quickly to threatening or risky situations. You can act recklessly and defiantly, yet you instinctively know how far to take things. Facing perilous situations can give you an adrenalin rush. You are prone to arguments over money and shared resources with personal or professional partners. Problems or disputes may arise over legacies and inheritances.

Mars Trine Uranus (5z18′ S)

You have an adventurous and fearless nature, which dares to try out new and different things in life. Generally speaking, you have quick reflexes and an ability to work fast under pressure. You are at your best when faced with challenging situations and the pressure of deadlines. Adventure or high-octane sports can excite you but you need to take care to avoid injuries and accidents.


Jupiter describes how you relate to the larger world beyond your personal self, how you expand in life, and experience higher learning, travel or religion.

Jupiter in Scorpio

You have the desire to experience life to the full and will pursue your goals with passion and intensity. Sometimes you can be extreme and uncompromising in your beliefs; though you probably won’t admit this may be true. You tend to be fascinated with power and have the capability to exercise it over others – or vice versa. Self-indulgence and a pronounced desire for gratification can be detrimental.

Jupiter in 5th House

You are fun loving, charismatic and know how to enjoy yourself. A romantic and an idealist in love, you may have many affairs of the heart. You are fond of the creative arts and could have a gift for performance, drama or dance. You tend to get on well with children and if you become a parent your children should make you happy. Speculation and gambling may work out well for you but over-extending yourself financially is risky. You can be overindulgent and inclined to wastefulness.

Jupiter Opposition Saturn (1z33′ A)

In general, your life alternates between periods of optimism and pessimism and periods of abundance and hardship. It can sometimes seem that everything good that happens to you comes at a cost. Your challenge is to find the middle path between enjoying life and keeping it real. Occasionally, you experience feelings of dissatisfaction with your lot in life, however, this can serve as a motivation to improve your situation. All of your personal successes – academic, financial or emotional – are hard won and gained through industry, perseverance and self-discipline. You have a good head for business because you understand the cycles of expansion and consolidation.

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune (1z25′ S)

You are essentially an idealist who sometimes sees the world through rose-tinted glasses. As a result, you can perceive situations to be quite different from what they are in reality. You are selfless, compassionate and emotionally sensitive to the needs of others. Spiritual subjects may interest you and it is possible that you possess psychic ability. A talent for music and art is also likely. On a more mundane level, you may have an enthusiasm for taking risks, however, it is impossible to tell if your speculations will succeed or fail – so you need to take care.

Jupiter Sextile Pluto (2z58′ A)

You can handle power responsibly. Others will generally respond favorably to being organized and led by you. The secret to your success with others is that you lead by example. You are motivated by the desire to improve yourself and the conditions of those around you.


Saturn describes your experience of reality, your fears and inhibitions, where you are serious, and how you respond to society’s rules.

Saturn in Taurus

You have a desire for secure material circumstances. Inherently practical, you possess self-control and the capability to work hard. You are usually reliable and trustworthy in business or professional areas but you can also be too conservative. You have a strong will but can be inflexible and stubborn. Difficulties can arise through laziness.

Saturn in 11th House

You can be a bit of a loner and sometimes feel uncomfortable in social situations. You have the ability to cultivate genuine friendships through sincerity and steadfastness. You can gain the patronage and goodwill of older and experienced benefactors. Difficulties and losses can arise through association with dishonest people.

Saturn Opposition Neptune (2z58′ A)

You experience periodic struggles between pursuing your spiritual inclinations and meeting the demands of the material world. Physically, you are prone to re-cycling bouts of low vitality and illness. You may also contend with feelings of insecurity and a lack of clarity. In spite of the challenges you encounter in life, you have the ability to make sincere sacrifices and help others in need.

Saturn Trine Pluto (1z24′ S)

Everything you achieve in life is as the result of sheer determination and effort. You have great powers of endurance and perseverance, coupled with a tenacious attitude and the self-discipline to see things through to their successful conclusion.


Uranus a generational planet – describes areas of personal and peer group uniqueness, your intuitive awareness, and your ability to adapt to the new and sudden.

Uranus in Libra

You have progressive and original views on personal relationships and partnerships, coupled with the urge for independence and freedom of expression in love. You are inclined to emphasize individuality in relationships and to discourage the view that partners own one another.

Uranus in 4th House

Your domestic arrangements may be unconventional in some way. There may be sudden strains or tensions in the family or with one or both parents. You may experience many changes of residence or sudden upsets in the home.


Neptune a generational planet – describes your personal and peer group experiences of spirituality, your powers of inspired fantasy and areas of illusion.

Neptune in Sagittarius

You are a member of a generation that has high hopes for the future and a better world in general. You dream of faraway places and perhaps have notions of paradise. Your adherence to adopted religious and philosophical models may undergo tests of faith.

Neptune in 5th House

You tend to have a dreamy and idealistic view on love matters and are inclined to expect more than is possible of a loved one. You are prone to romantic longings and seducing influences. You have an appreciation of the arts and may have a talent for dance, drama and music.

Neptune Sextile Pluto (4z22′ A)

Neptune and Pluto are the solar system’s slowest moving planets; consequently, aspects between them last for a great number of years and their effects are more collective than personal. Since 1940 and continuing until about 2040 they are in sextile aspect to each other. The major effect of this is to accentuate spiritual awareness and development en masse. You are part of a generation that is intent on exploring and refining the inner aspect of life and consciousness itself. You will be aware of a universal interest in metaphysical subjects, clairvoyance and psychical research.


Pluto a generational planet – describes your personal and peer group experience of upheavals, forces beyond individual control, power and irreversible changes.

Pluto in Virgo

You are a member of a generation who experiences extraordinary pressures and upheavals in the areas of employment and health. You are exposed to transformations within the work and health sectors that occur outside of your own control. You witness breakthroughs in medical science, coupled with a rise of interest in alternative therapies.

Pluto in 4th House

Power struggles in the home and with family members are possible. The father’s influence, in particular, is likely to be felt in one way or another throughout life.


The Qualities and Elements

The signs of the zodiac are grouped into two basic categories. These are known as the Qualities and the Elements. The Qualities describe fundamental modes of activity and the Elements describe temperament. There are three Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable and four Elements: Fire, Air, Earth & Water. Your horoscope has varying degrees of each Quality and Element. The percentages you have of each will determine their importance in your life. The higher percentages will be more powerful in your life, the lower percentages will be less powerful.

The Qualities

25% Cardinal

The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn. The more planets you have in any of these signs the more Cardinal you are:

Cardinal people are action oriented and initiating. They are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the world. They are direct, assertive and like to take charge of situations. They are ambitious, independent and dislike being supervised. They are good at starting projects, but not so good at completing them. They have abundant enthusiasm and are very resourceful. Cardinal people generally don’t hold grudges.

50% Fixed

The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The more planets you have in any of these signs the more Fixed you are:

Fixed people are persevering and enduring. They achieve results in life through determined and persistent effort. They tend to do one thing at a time and are extremely practical in their approach to everything. They are not easily influenced by others and can be quite firm or stubborn once their minds are made up about something. They tend to hold onto things and are reluctant to change. They are staunch, but they can also be inflexible and at risk from becoming set in their ways.

25% Mutable

The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces. The more planets you have in any of these signs the more Mutable you are:

Mutable people are the most flexible of the three types. They are able to go with the flow. They are changeable and adaptable, but also indecisive and restless. They are sensitive to the opinions of others, but they can also be impressionable and easily influenced by environmental circumstances. Mutable people lack the stubbornness of the Fixed signs and the forcefulness of the Cardinal signs, which makes them good mediators and go-betweens.

The Elements

8% Fire

The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the Fire signs the more pro-active and self-determining you are:

The Fire signs go for freedom of action and power. They strive for recognition in life. They are out-going and enthusiastic, adventure seeking and powerful. They are ardent, passionate, assertive, demonstrative, bold and courageous. They can also be impatient and bossy, willful and reactive, especially when they face delays or obstructions in their path.

42% Earth

The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the Earth signs the more practical and needful of security you are:

The Earth signs seek material security. They are down-to-earth, pragmatic, cautious, sensible and conservative. Hard-working and industrious, Earth signs are able to put into effect the ideas and inspirations of the other signs. They can be accumulative, possessive and overly materialistic. They are also sensual and pleasure seeking.

25% Air

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air signs the more pro-active and self-determining you are:

The Air signs go for freedom of action and freedom of movement. Air signs need to be able to come and go at will. They are mentally alert and intellectually stimulating. They can also be fickle, inattentive and swayed by the opinions of others.

25% Water

The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in the Water signs the more needful you are of emotional security:

People with a majority of planets in the Water signs are motivated by the need to gain security in their emotional lives. They are sensitive, deep, compassionate, imaginative and intuitive. Their inner lives and dream lives are very active. They are spiritually inclined and potentially psychic, with an ability to tune into others. They can also be hypersensitive, impressionable and emotionally needy.

House Rulers in Houses

1st House Cusp Ruler, Moon, in 5th House

You realize your primary motivation in life through expressing your creativity. You may be involved with the entertainment sectors, theater or sports. Love affairs and sex are important to you.

2nd House Cusp Ruler, Moon, in 5th House

Your livelihood may be associated with the arts and entertainment industries. You may make money as an artist or through dealing in artwork. Whatever you do to earn a living, must also give pleasure and enjoyment. You may work with children as a coach or teacher. Money may also be gained (or lost) through sports, gambling or the stock market.

3rd House Cusp Ruler, Sun, in 12th House

At times, you can worry and fret without others being aware of it. Intellectual work is best done in seclusion. You may act as a behind-the-scenes adviser to others. Spreading stories could get you into trouble. There may be occasional upsets with or through relatives or neighbors.

4th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 11th House

It is likely that your parents get along well with your friends. You may even treat family members as friends. Your family will probably be very supportive of your goals and could help you to realize them. Friends of the family can play significant roles in your life.

5th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 11th House

You appreciate the company of your friends and like to involve them in activities that you enjoy. You like social occasions and events. You may belong to groups or societies that are interested in the arts or music. You are suited to team or fun sports.

6th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 5th House

You require work that you can enjoy and is fun. Your work may bring you into contact with artists and entertainers. Equally, you may be attracted to working in the entertainment or creative sectors.

7th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 11th House

Partnerships and friendships go hand in hand. You may meet partners socially through acquaintances or through common interest groups. Business associates may become friends.

8th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 11th House

You may receive financial support from friends, which can help to achieve personal aspirations. You may invest money in ventures with friends. Challenges in life can be caused through associating with people who are dubious or not good for you.

9th House Cusp Ruler, Uranus, in 4th House

You may spend extended periods overseas, or even leave your country of birth. You may welcome foreigners into your home, as you enjoy finding out about other cultures and lifestyles.

10th House Cusp Ruler, Neptune, in 5th House

Your profession may be associated with the arts, entertainment or sports sectors. You may make a name for yourself in these fields.

11th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 8th House

You may receive financial support from friends or a benefactor. You should choose your friends and acquaintances carefully, as there can be a risk of losses through others.

12th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 11th House

You tend to keep your personal goals and ambitions to yourself. Your friends are not always as they appear and on occasion, you may feel deceived by them.

A detailed horoscope for most famous people as the one above is relatively easy to acquire as they are readily available on several sites on the internet.  However, to produce a detailed individual personalized chart takes specialized programs, years of study, and lots of research to develop.

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Total Gemini

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    Total Gemini

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      Total Gemini

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          Total Gemini

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            Total Gemini

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