HoroscopeMarch 12, 2023

Start your week right!

with the

Weekly Gemini:

Welcome to the weekly Gemini report where each week we bring you Total Gemini twin insight.

Mar 12

Sun in Pisces
You have a sensitive and emotional nature with a great depth of feeling and empathy. You have genuine concern for the needs of others and possess a high degree of tolerance and a readiness to forgive. Deeply caring, sympathetic and compassionate, you tend to believe in the best of others. You have a great deal of imagination. A dreamer, you often harbor unspoken longings and yearnings. You are, at times, elusive and evasive; to such an extent that people can find you hard to pin down. You dislike confrontations and tend to avoid strict routines and restrictions.

Sun in 1st House
You have a strong personal presence, charisma and an ability to make an impact on others. Strong-willed and proud, you express yourself with confidence and authority. You have leadership capabilities, coupled with a strong desire for recognition and personal success. At times, you can be inclined to overwhelm other people with the power of your personality or prone to pride and egotism.

Sun Trine Moon
All things considered, you have a sense of inner harmony and in general a good relationship with the opposite sex and your family. Your parents encourage individuality in you and for the most part do not interfere in your personal life. Physically, you have good stamina and strong recuperative powers.

Sun Conjunct Mercury
You have an active and alert mind and an interest in learning. You like being involved in mentally stimulating projects. A thinker, you thrive on intellectual stimulation and study. You also enjoy talking with people and expressing your opinions. At times, you can worry incessantly or suffer from nervous stress and overwork. You can be overly subjective and be inclined to take things too personally.

Sun Square Mars
You are a dynamic personality and a readiness for action is your signature. However, you can also gain a reputation for impatience, reactive behavior and aggression. You thrive on adventure and are prepared to take risks that others wouldn’t contemplate. You need to guard against accident proneness. Advancements you make in life are based on your personal efforts and determination. You have quick reflexes and are able to respond to situations immediately. You may enjoy sports; certainly you take pleasure in setting challenges for yourself and competing with others.

Sun Sextile Uranus
You are open to anything contemporary and progressive, including the possibilities offered by modern technology or science. Change rarely fazes you; in fact, you tend to welcome it. You are an original personality, with insight and the power to reform and carry out innovations. You are highly independent and freedom loving and refuse to be bound by convention.

Sun Conjunct Neptune
You are highly sensitive and impressionable and have a gentle manner about you. Spiritually inclined, you may be fascinated by metaphysical or esoteric subjects. Your inner life is very active and psychic experiences are familiar to you. You have great compassion and the ability to feel and understand the needs of others with sympathy and empathy. You have the power of inspiration and creativity, which may express itself through music, painting, photography or drama. Alternatively, you may be prone to recycling periods of low vitality and physical frailty. There is a susceptibility to self-deception, addictive behavior and seducing influences that can lead to undermining activity

Moon in Scorpio
You have a deep and complex emotional life, with the tendency to feel things intensely. You tend to be secretive and suspicious of others. At times, your feelings can overwhelm you. Emotional dramas can surface from time to time. Conflicts are possible with family members. If hurt or slighted, you can be unforgiving and bear grudges. You tend to hold your feelings in. You are prepared to fight for what you believe in.

Moon in 8th House
You find it difficult to feel emotionally calm. Feelings of anxiety can undermine your ability to feel at ease. Positively, you may receive financial advantage through a partner or influential women.

Moon Trine Sun
All things considered, you have a sense of inner harmony and in general a good relationship with the opposite sex and your family. Your parents encourage individuality in you and for the most part do not interfere in your personal life. Physically, you have good stamina and strong recuperative powers.

Moon Trine Mercury
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. You are highly perceptive and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. Your mind is both fertile and imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You are an instinctual student and teacher, whose understanding of a subject is emotionally based. Articulate and able to impart knowledge effortlessly, you have a good memory and may be a good storyteller.

Moon Opposition Uranus
You are likely to display strongly individualistic inclinations and self-reliance from an early age, coupled with a tendency to rebel against restrictions on your freedom and independence. You can be very strong-willed and ambitious and capable of making sacrifices for the attainment of personal objectives. You have a sharp intuition and can be uncannily perceptive about people and situations. Negatively, there can be states of anxiety and nervous tension. Strained family dynamics and changeable relationships with women are possible.

Moon Trine Neptune
You are highly perceptive and sensitive to influences around you and able to pick up on the feelings of others and the mood of the environment. Your empathic manner attracts others to you and you know how to comfort and heal those in need. You tend to have an idealistic outlook on life and can be quite dreamy at times and content to just go with the flow. You are easily inspired and have a vivid imagination with the ability to tap into a wide range of creative talents, including music, poetry, painting and photography. Your dream-life is also likely to be active. You may possess psychic sensitivity.

Mercury in Pisces
You have an active imagination and a creative mind. Highly receptive and intuitive, you easily tune into the thoughts and feelings of others. You tend to come to conclusions on the basis of instinctive perception rather than logical reasoning. In fact, logic is not one of your strong points. You enjoy the visual arts, drama, dance, music and poetry. You may be prone to daydreaming.

Mercury in 1st House
You have an intellectual outlook on life, with an inquiring and curious mind. Your thinking can be self-orientated and you may have some difficulties appreciating the views or thoughts of others. You are intellectually sharp and quick-witted and learn fast, especially from personal experience. You are mercurial by nature and can be talkative one day and reserved or reflective another.

Mercury Conjunct Sun
You have an active and alert mind and an interest in learning. You like being involved in mentally stimulating projects. A thinker, you thrive on intellectual stimulation and study. You also enjoy talking with people and expressing your opinions. At times, you can worry incessantly or suffer from nervous stress and overwork. You can be overly subjective and be inclined to take things too personally.

Mercury Trine Moon
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. You are highly perceptive and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. Your mind is both fertile and imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You are an instinctual student and teacher, whose understanding of a subject is emotionally based. Articulate and able to impart knowledge effortlessly, you have a good memory and may be a good storyteller.

Mercury Square Mars
You have an alert and agile mind, with the ability to think quickly and decisively. Direct in your communications with others, you know how to be convincing and how to press a point. You have the ability to think for yourself and to put your own ideas into action. You can also benefit from developing practical skills and ‘hands on’ experience. Alternatively, you can be verbally aggressive and cutting. You can also resort to sarcasm and colorful language. Minor accidents, such as cuts and bruises are possible; usually through impatience or acting before thinking.

Mercury Sextile Uranus
You have a modern and contemporary outlook on life, coupled with reformatory views and a mind that’s open to new ideas. You are progressive, innovative and receptive to change. You are an “ideas” person, with original thinking and the ability to find solutions to awkward problems.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune
You are a sensitive and understanding person who has the ability to sympathize with others and show compassion. You have a creative intellect, an active imagination and strong powers of visualization which may give you a talent for music, the arts, films or literature. Metaphysical subjects interest you and you are likely to have spiritual or psychic experiences. Alternatively, your thinking can be confused or uncertain and you may experience difficulties making important decisions or communicating clearly to others. You may have a sensitive nervous system.


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