HoroscopeJanuary 8, 2023

Start your week right!

with the

Weekly Gemini:

Welcome to the weekly Gemini report where each week we bring you Total Gemini twin insight.

Jan 8 2023

Sun in Capricorn
You have a serious nature, with a marked sense of reality about life. You recognize that anything worth pursuing requires self-discipline and hard work. Naturally conservative, you have a strong sense of right and wrong and of correct behavior. Tenacity and endurance usually reward you with desired successes. You are ambitious for material security and like to see concrete results for your efforts. You are quite self-contained and it can take you a long time to get to know new people. You occasionally feel alone in life or detached from others. Ever practical, you have a talent for business.

Sun in 1st House
You have a strong personal presence, charisma and an ability to make an impact on others. Strong-willed and proud, you express yourself with confidence and authority. You have leadership capabilities, coupled with a strong desire for recognition and personal success. At times, you can be inclined to overwhelm other people with the power of your personality or prone to pride and egotism.

Sun Conjunct Mercury
You have an active and alert mind and an interest in learning. You like being involved in mentally stimulating projects. A thinker, you thrive on intellectual stimulation and study. You also enjoy talking with people and expressing your opinions. At times, you can worry incessantly or suffer from nervous stress and overwork. You can be overly subjective and be inclined to take things too personally.

Sun Trine Uranus
You are open to anything contemporary and progressive, including the possibilities offered by modern technology or science. Change rarely fazes you; in fact, you tend to welcome it. Keenly intuitive, you seem to have an uncanny sense for the ‘next big thing’. You are an original personality, with insight and the power to reform and carry out innovations. You are highly independent and freedom loving and refuse to be bound by convention.

Sun Sextile Neptune
You are highly sensitive and receptive. Your inner life is very active and spiritual experiences are familiar to you. You have the power of vision and inspiration, which may be expressed through the arts, healing or in some leadership capacity. You will probably travel far and wide in the course of your life, or at least have an empathy with the sea. Prone to seducing influences, you may be susceptible to intoxicants and stimulants.

Sun Trine Moon’s North Node
You are essentially people oriented and motivated by the desire to form and cultivate associations. Your natural warmth and exuberance attract people to you and you enjoy being involved in group activities and co-operative ventures. You have an aptitude for public related work and generally prefer the company of intellectually stimulating and creative people. You count important and significant people among your contacts.

Moon in Leo
You radiate a warm and sunny disposition. You have an emotional need to be liked and acknowledged, coupled with a strong need to give and receive affection. You often find yourself at the center of attention, whether you want it or not. In your home and family life, you tend to feel responsible towards others and will take charge of situations and lead. Alternatively, you can be just plain bossy and domineering. You can be prone to extravagance and exaggeration.

Moon in 8th House
You find it difficult to feel emotionally calm. Feelings of anxiety can undermine your ability to feel at ease. Positively, you may receive financial advantage through a partner or influential women.

Moon Opposition Venus
You know how to live and how to enjoy the good things in life. You have a sense of fun and a liking for parties with the potential for over-indulgence and extravagance. Positively, you have artistic potential, especially in painting, photography or music.

Moon Sextile Mars
Your feelings and actions are in sync with each other: how you feel determines the way you act or react to situations. You are usually honest about your feelings and have little trouble expressing them. You enjoy keeping busy and initiating new projects and enterprises.

Moon Trine Jupiter
You are naturally generous, open-minded and kind-hearted. Your emotional honesty and good humor make you popular and appreciated by others. You are socially aware and always ready to help other people. You are interested in philosophy and religion and, if other factors in your chart support it, you will have the opportunity to travel. You know how to enjoy yourself and are fond of sociable and pleasurable activities. Relations with women are usually positive.

Moon Opposition Pluto
You have a complex emotional life. Your feelings are intense and you feel things deeply. The dynamics of your personal relationships are intricate and often strained, especially with your family or significant females. There are power struggles in the home or with dominant women. Equally, you can be domineering or emotionally manipulative and intent on getting everything your own way. You can also be prone to particular habitual fixations or compulsions. Difficulties with others can arise through jealousy.

Moon Square Moon’s North Node
You are motivated by the urge to establish spiritual and emotional connections with others. You judge another’s character on your initial instincts. Family ties are extremely important to you, however, there can be tensions between members of your family. Difficulties with others can arise through a lack of adaptability or insensitivity.

Mercury in Capricorn
The pragmatist, you have a practical outlook, coupled with a strong sense of reality. You are serious-minded and cautious. A realist rather than an idealist, you have a clear awareness of your objectives and know how to achieve them. You have good powers of concentration. At times, you can be taciturn or shy.

Mercury in 1st House
You have an intellectual outlook on life, with an inquiring and curious mind. Your thinking can be self-orientated and you may have some difficulties appreciating the views or thoughts of others. You are intellectually sharp and quick-witted and learn fast, especially from personal experience. You are mercurial by nature and can be talkative one day and reserved or reflective another.

Mercury Conjunct Sun
You have an active and alert mind and an interest in learning. You like being involved in mentally stimulating projects. A thinker, you thrive on intellectual stimulation and study. You also enjoy talking with people and expressing your opinions. At times, you can worry incessantly or suffer from nervous stress and overwork. You can be overly subjective and be inclined to take things too personally.

Mercury Trine Uranus
You have a modern and contemporary outlook on life, coupled with reformatory views and a mind that’s open to new ideas. You are progressive, innovative and receptive to change. Your mind is sharp and you comprehend things quickly. You are an “ideas” person, with original thinking and the ability to find solutions to awkward problems.

Mercury Sextile Neptune
You are a sensitive and understanding person who has the ability to sympathize with others and show compassion. You have a creative intellect, an active imagination and strong powers of visualization which may give you a talent for music, the arts, films or literature. Meditation and similar forms of mental relaxation are important for your spiritual and physical well-being.

Mercury Trine Moon’s North Node
You are motivated by the need to establish intellectual and mentally stimulating connections in life. Your associates are likely to be business people, academics, students, teachers or philosophers. Clear communication in your relationships is of primary importance to you.


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