HoroscopeJanuary 15, 2023

Start your week right!

with the

Weekly Gemini:

Welcome to the weekly Gemini report where each week we bring you Total Gemini twin insight.

Jan 15

Sun in Capricorn
You have a serious nature, with a marked sense of reality about life. You recognize that anything worth pursuing requires self-discipline and hard work. Naturally conservative, you have a strong sense of right and wrong and of correct behavior. Tenacity and endurance usually reward you with desired successes. You are ambitious for material security and like to see concrete results for your efforts. You are quite self-contained and it can take you a long time to get to know new people. You occasionally feel alone in life or detached from others. Ever practical, you have a talent for business.

Sun in 1st House
You have a strong personal presence, charisma and an ability to make an impact on others. Strong-willed and proud, you express yourself with confidence and authority. You have leadership capabilities, coupled with a strong desire for recognition and personal success. At times, you can be inclined to overwhelm other people with the power of your personality or prone to pride and egotism.

Sun Square Moon
You desire inner harmony. However, you often feel discontented and tense. At times, your drive for recognition can override your emotional needs and vice versa. Your relationships with the opposite sex are occasionally strained. There may be discord between your parents.

Sun Sextile Neptune
You are highly sensitive and receptive. Your inner life is very active and spiritual experiences are familiar to you. You have the power of vision and inspiration, which may be expressed through the arts, healing or in some leadership capacity. You will probably travel far and wide in the course of your life, or at least have an empathy with the sea. Prone to seducing influences, you may be susceptible to intoxicants and stimulants.

Sun Conjunct Pluto
You have an intense and dynamic personality, with an understanding of how to exercise – and contend with – power. A strong desire to achieve personal goals enables you to tap into a wealth of creative power and energy. Your ability to attain authoritative and leadership positions is pronounced, as is your will to bring about reforms. You thrive on change, have the ability to transform your circumstances and to literally re-invent yourself periodically. You often find yourself acting in a compulsive manner and may need to temper dominating or manipulative tendencies. There can also be the inclination to over-estimate yourself and your abilities. You need to be wary of entering into – or inciting – power-struggles.

Moon in Scorpio
You have a deep and complex emotional life, with the tendency to feel things intensely. You tend to be secretive and suspicious of others. At times, your feelings can overwhelm you. Emotional dramas can surface from time to time. Conflicts are possible with family members. If hurt or slighted, you can be unforgiving and bear grudges. You tend to hold your feelings in. You are prepared to fight for what you believe in.

Moon in 10th House
You seek a measure of recognition in life and may be inclined to work with the public in some capacity. You are professionally ambitious but restless and will probably have many career changes throughout life. You are attracted to vocations that offer emotional satisfaction. You can be suited to occupations that enable you to cater to the needs of society or women. The influence of the mother is very strong in your life and personal development.

Moon Square Sun
You desire inner harmony. However, you often feel discontented and tense. At times, your drive for recognition can override your emotional needs and vice versa. Your relationships with the opposite sex are occasionally strained. There may be discord between your parents.

Moon Trine Saturn
You have a practical outlook on life, coupled with a strong sense of duty and responsibility, especially towards your family. You are considerate, responsible and good at organizing. You are usually at ease with your own company and enjoy occasional periods in seclusion. At times, you can be uncommunicative and moody.

Moon Square Pluto
You have a complex emotional life. Your feelings are intense and you feel things deeply. The dynamics of your personal relationships are intricate and often strained, especially with your family or significant females. There are power struggles in the home or with dominant women. Equally, you can be domineering or emotionally manipulative and intent on getting everything your own way. You can also be prone to particular habitual fixations or compulsions. Difficulties with others can arise through jealousy.

Moon Sextile Ascendant
You have natural empathy, coupled with an ability to make others feel at ease in your company. You enjoy good relations with others because you are generally easy-going, obliging and able to adapt to most situations. Women play an important role in your life and you have many contacts with them.

Mercury in Capricorn
The pragmatist, you have a practical outlook, coupled with a strong sense of reality. You are serious-minded and cautious. A realist rather than an idealist, you have a clear awareness of your objectives and know how to achieve them. You have good powers of concentration. At times, you can be taciturn or shy.

Mercury in 1st House
You have an intellectual outlook on life, with an inquiring and curious mind. Your thinking can be self-orientated and you may have some difficulties appreciating the views or thoughts of others. You are intellectually sharp and quick-witted and learn fast, especially from personal experience. You are mercurial by nature and can be talkative one day and reserved or reflective another.

Mercury Square Jupiter
You are basically an optimist at heart and usually express a positive and confident outlook on life. In your desire to broaden your knowledge, you will most likely travel, correspond with people in other countries and possibly study or have business arrangements overseas. Possibly, you may have a tendency to be absent-minded, or inclined to overlook important details. Poor judgment or negligence can lead to problems with investments, contracts or legal documents. At times, you may be intellectually arrogant or prone to exaggeration.

Mercury Trine Uranus
You have a modern and contemporary outlook on life, coupled with reformatory views and a mind that’s open to new ideas. You are progressive, innovative and receptive to change. Your mind is sharp and you comprehend things quickly. You are an “ideas” person, with original thinking and the ability to find solutions to awkward problems.

Mercury Trine Moon’s North Node
You are motivated by the need to establish intellectual and mentally stimulating connections in life. Your associates are likely to be business people, academics, students, teachers or philosophers. Clear communication in your relationships is of primary importance to you.


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