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Gemini’s Symbol:


3rd Sign of the Zodiac

Nature: Hot and Moist

Color: Yellow/Yellow-Orange

Gems: Aquamarine and Citrine

Flower Essences: Chrysanthemum and Jojoba

Metal: Mercury

Body Area: Ears, Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Hands and Lungs.

Key Word: I think

Gender: Masculine

Polarity: Positive/Yang

Sun travels through Gemini: 21 May to 20 June

Quality: Mutable

Element: Air

Traditional Ruling Planet: Mercury

Exalted Ruler: Moon’s North Node


Gemini is represented by the symbol of twins, which signifies a connected pair and a dialogue. It is also symbolized by the Roman numeral two. Gemini is known for its curious, inquisitive, and reasoning nature. It is versatile, quick-witted, communicative, and talkative. The sign is also associated with restlessness, vivaciousness, youthfulness, mobility, artfulness, cheekiness, mischievousness, inconsistency, dualism, and disinclination to be serious. Unlike other zodiac signs that are represented by animals, Gemini is the first sign of the zodiac that is represented by a human character. The Gemini symbol consists of two upright parallel lines joined at the top and bottom, which represents duality. However, the twin pillars are bound together to suggest unity. This connection between heaven and earth implies that the human mind serves as a link between these worlds (if we would just allow it).

Gemini, being the sign of twins, exhibits duality in its nature. It is ruled by Mercury, the swift messenger planet, which drives its quest for knowledge and communication. However, this constant influx of information is balanced by the opposing sign of Sagittarius, which provides a broader perspective and context to the vast amount of facts gathered by Gemini.

Locating Gemini in the Sky:

Looking at the night sky, you will find the Gemini Constellation is located just above Orion’s belt.

Gemini Mythology:

There is much debate about the origins of certain constellation myths. However, the story of Gemini is relatively straightforward, with the exception of the Egyptian version. The idea of twins in mythology can be traced back to ancient times, possibly even to the Paleolithic era. This concept of duality is integral to reality and is reflected in the creation myths of many ancient cultures. In these myths, twin gods and goddesses often represent the dual principle of the universe: unity becoming duality, which then becomes many, all contained within one wholeness.

Egyptian Mythology:

The Gemini constellation was referred to as the Two Stars or Pimahi in ancient Egyptian astrology, signifying unity. The Dendera zodiac portrays the symbol as a man and a woman holding hands, representing duality in a harmonious way. Additionally, there is an Egyptian myth surrounding Geminis involving Seth, the God of Chaos. Seth murdered his brother Osiris and scattered his remains throughout Egypt, leading to a war with Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. Despite losing the war, Seth was adopted by the sun god Ra and became the thunder in the sky, protecting Ra from chaos serpent Apophis during its nightly journey through the underworld.

Greek Mythology:

According to Gemini mythology, the famous twins are Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology. Leda, their mother in Greek mythology, gave birth to them but they had different fathers. Castor’s father was Tyndarus, the King of Sparta and Leda’s husband, while Pollux’s father was the god Zeus. Due to his immortal father, Pollux was immortal while his twin brother Castor was mortal. Both twins were young, attractive, and adventurous and were known for their curiosity and vitality. Castor was a skilled horseman while Pollux was renowned for his extraordinary strength.

The Gemini myth comes into play when Castor passes away due to his mortality. Pollux is devastated by the loss of his twin brother whom he had spent his entire life with and cannot fathom living without him. However, being immortal himself, Pollux is helpless. He implores Zeus, his father, to intervene. Zeus chooses to grant Pollux’s wish by granting immortality to Castor as well. Thus, the twins are forever united as the constellation Gemini, embodying the concept of duality.

Roman Mythology:

In Roman mythology, Gemini is linked to the tale of Apollo and Hercules. Hercules, the son of Apollo who shouldn’t be mistaken for the Greek hero Heracles, was tasked by his father to defeat Python, a monstrous serpent. During his preparations for the battle, the twin brothers depicted by the Gemini constellation emerged in the sky to provide guidance and safeguard him on his journey. This narrative highlights the duality associated with Gemini.

The Age of Gemini:

Astrological ages (or epochs) are based on the procession of the equinoxes and the backwards wobble of the earth’s axis through the constellations. This wobble takes 25,920 years and one complete cycle is 12 ages of 2,160 years each.

There are 12 epochs of 180 years each within each age.

We are currently in the age of Pisces: 0 to 2160 AD

The Age of Gemini, started around 6,480 BC and lasted until around 4,320 bc

During the Age of Gemini:

The Gemini Era, spanning from approximately 6,480 BC to 4,320 BC, witnessed the emergence of cities from early settlements and the advent of global trade. This period was characterized by the duality and twin nature of Gemini, which symbolizes communication, connection, and exchange. Consequently, these diverse cultures established infrastructures that facilitated the exchange of goods and information (trade).

During the Gemini period, which began around 6500 BC, over fifty different craft industries emerged in the Near East. Among these, ceramics stood out for its symbolic decoration, making it a crucial focus for archaeologists. Initially, ceramics were simple in design but within a few hundred years, they evolved into more intricate pieces with stunning glazes and symbols. As time progressed, craft industries also flourished in Eastern Europe and China around 5000 BC.

During the Gemini era, individuals engaged in the exchange of crafts and ideas, resulting in the establishment of an expansive trading system connecting the Mediterranean Basin to southern Russia. Similarly, the Archaic Culture in North America’s New England region maintained a significant trade network that extended as far west as Yellowstone and south to the Caribbean by 4800 BC. Notably, during this period, the primary traded commodities were craft techniques and ideas much more than the crafts themselves.

Around 5000 BC, a Proto-Indo-European language emerged in the Near East, which is regarded as the ancestor of most modern languages worldwide. Additionally, research indicates that the Chinese language originated around 4800 BC. During this period, art evolved from being representational to becoming largely abstract and symbolic. These symbols would later play important roles in religious and mythological contexts, as well as in the development of alphabets and written languages.

The Planets through Gemini and What It Means to You:
Sun in Gemini:

You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for new experiences – and your attention span is often quite brief. You grasp ideas quickly and once your initial curiosity has been satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You crave frequent change, variety, meeting new situations and people.

It may be hard for you to decide just where your talents and true vocation lies, for you have a multitude of interests and are loathe to limit yourself by concentrating on just one. You are easily distracted by all of the other fascinating possibilities. Your curiosity and restlessness propel you into many different experiences in life, and you are willing to taste or try anything once. Doing the same thing over and over again, even it is something you do well, is real drudgery for you.

You live in your head a great deal – reading, observing, thinking, spinning ideas around – and you need mental stimulation every bit as much as you need food and drink. In fact, if you had to choose between a good book or movie and a good lunch, you would very likely choose the former. You have a creative mind and often live by your wits.

You are also a very social creature, with a strong need to communicate and to interact with people. You enjoy using and playing with words and have a real flair for getting your ideas across in a clever, interesting, articulate manner. Writing or speaking are areas you have talent for.

You also have a rather light and mischievous sense of humor, and often do not take anything too seriously. Though you crave emotional involvement, it is hard for you to achieve it, for you are frequently unwilling to commit yourself to anything, to take responsibility, or to limit your personal freedom and mobility.

Your happiness lies in using your creativity and your language skills to communicate something meaningful, to teach, inspire, or bring people together. You have an unbiased mind and can usually offer a fresh, clear, uncluttered perspective. Your faults are your lack of constancy and persistence, and your tendency to overlook or ignore deep emotional issues and other people’s feelings.

Moon in Gemini:

You do not appear to be an intensely emotional or sentimental person, and you are often unaware of your own or other people’s deeper feelings and emotional needs. Tears and tantrums bewilder you and make you very uncomfortable. You would rather settle differences by talking things out reasonably and rationally, but you tend to ignore or poke fun at any attempt to probe your own or others’ inner depths.

You avoid heavy, demanding emotional involvements and are wary of making personal commitments.

You need plenty of mental stimulation and you feel close to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental interests. Conversation is very important to you. The strong, silent type of partner is not for you.

Mercury in Gemini:

You have an extremely active, lively and versatile mind with a multitude of interests and an inexhaustible curiosity about life. You are quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to lose interest in an idea or project once your curiosity has been satisfied. You like to taste a little bit of everything – concentration and disciplined study are not your strong points. Mentally restless, you may change jobs or locations frequently, or do work that involves movement, travel, and variety.

You have a flair for language, playing with words, speaking, writing, or teaching in an entertaining and informative way. You also enjoy meeting new people, conversing and learning a little bit about them, and you work well with the public.

Sales, advertising, communications, journalism, or public relations are good areas for you. Your ability to be articulate and to communicate well is one of your greatest strengths.

Venus in Gemini:

In love, you are more interested in a person’s sense of humor and intelligence than in their physique. You like a partner who is mentally alive and who keeps you guessing a little bit, and you become restless and bored with someone who never asks questions, never changes or surprises you. Talking, sharing ideas, going places together, and learning new things together is very important to your happiness. You need lots of social stimulation, are something of a flirt, and like to have many friends of both sexes. A possessive, jealous partner is very stifling for you.

Mars in Gemini:

You are a “busy bee” – energetic, restless, and forever on the go. Your active mind is always buzzing with ideas and you find it difficult sometimes to relax, slow down, or take time to reflect and replenish yourself. You tend to live on nervous energy. You can accomplish much in short bursts but projects that require long-term commitment, stamina, and steady, persistent effort are not easy for you. You often scatter your energies into so many directions and activities at once that you cannot finish or follow through on some of them. You need variety, change, and mental challenges.

You have a sharp and eager mind, and you enjoy games and competitions that have a mental component. You like to match wits with someone else.

You often achieve your desires by your verbal skill, your ability to speak clearly, vigorously, and convincingly for what you want. Your drive and energy is more mental than physical. You use your wit, intelligence, communication skills, social sophistication, and awareness to achieve your goals.

Jupiter in Gemini:

You have the ability to see connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or worlds, and to bring them together. You excel in any field requiring clear intellect, and verbal and communication skills. You have an insatiable curiosity and may read or watch television constantly in order to satisfy your need for mental stimulation. Your mind never stops.

Saturn in Gemini:

You doubt your own intelligence and mental capacities, and you may work very hard at studies in order to compensate for this. You are often overly serious and disinterested in light or superficial conversation. Spontaneous communication, social give-and-take, and making small talk are likely to be difficult for you.

Last time Saturn was in Gemini: 2001 to 2003

Next time Saturn will be in Gemini: 2030 to 2032

Uranus in Gemini:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who are progressive and creative thinkers. Academic achievement is high and academic standards are higher with your age group than with others. You are a curious and inquisitive bunch, and many discoveries and clever insights are brought forth from your age group. The love of learning never dies with your age group, and your curiosity and inquisitiveness does not wane in later life, as is common with others.

Last Time Uranus was in Gemini: 1941 to 1949

Next Time Uranus will be in Gemini: 2025 to 2033 includes two retrograde periods involving Taurus in 2025 and Cancer in 2032

Neptune in Gemini:

You are part of a 14 year group of people that have a very active imagination. Your age group has a great interest in poetry and fiction, and some of the world’s most creative and imaginative poets and writers are members of your generation. our age group has a great curiosity about psychic phenomena, astrology, and other metaphysical sciences. Your generation also takes a rather intellectual, non-emotional attitude towards religion, and is quick to see logical flaws in religious doctrines.

Last time Neptune was in Gemini: 1889 to 1902

Next Time Neptune will be in Gemini: 2051 to 2066 includes two retrograde periods involving Taurus in 2051 and Cancer in 2065.

Pluto in Gemini:

You are part of a 30 year group of people who have a lighthearted and carefree attitude towards life. Your subconscious and emotional needs are not as great and not as difficult as other generations. You approach life in a more airy and easygoing manner. You know how to have a good time and do not take life as seriously as other generations do.

You are a curious and inquisitive bunch and love puzzles and word games. Some members of your generation will follow these interests with great depth, and contribute spectacular breakthroughs in the areas of languages, mathematics and logic.

These breakthroughs also highlight the importance of educational skills and the benefits they can bring, and your generation is highly motivated to improve the educational standards and academic skills of people. A tremendous push is given to ensure literacy of all people, to develop adequate verbal and mathematical skills, and to slow down the dropout rate from high schools. Needless to say, these are noble goals that all generations support, but your generation puts a much greater emphasis on these issues than others age groups do.

The generation following yours is far more emotional and personally sensitive than your group. Consequently, many of you are oblivious to the emotional support and tender nurturing that your children (who are likely to be members of this next generation) require.

Last time Pluto was in Gemini: 1882 to 1914

Next Time Pluto will be in Gemini: 2132

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