HoroscopeFebruary 26, 2023

Start your week right!

with the

Weekly Gemini:

Welcome to the weekly Gemini report where every other week we bring you Total Gemini twin insight.

Feb 26

Sun in Pisces
You have a sensitive and emotional nature with a great depth of feeling and empathy. You have genuine concern for the needs of others and possess a high degree of tolerance and a readiness to forgive. Deeply caring, sympathetic and compassionate, you tend to believe in the best of others. You have a great deal of imagination. A dreamer, you often harbor unspoken longings and yearnings. You are, at times, elusive and evasive; to such an extent that people can find you hard to pin down. You dislike confrontations and tend to avoid strict routines and restrictions.

Sun in 1st House
You have a strong personal presence, charisma and an ability to make an impact on others. Strong-willed and proud, you express yourself with confidence and authority. You have leadership capabilities, coupled with a strong desire for recognition and personal success. At times, you can be inclined to overwhelm other people with the power of your personality or prone to pride and egotism.

Sun Sextile Uranus
You are open to anything contemporary and progressive, including the possibilities offered by modern technology or science. Change rarely fazes you; in fact, you tend to welcome it. You are an original personality, with insight and the power to reform and carry out innovations. You are highly independent and freedom loving and refuse to be bound by convention.

Sun Sextile Moon’s North Node
You are essentially people oriented and motivated by the desire to form and cultivate associations. You have an aptitude for public related work and generally prefer the company of intellectually stimulating and creative people. You count important and significant people among your contacts.

Moon in Taurus
You have a need for financial and material security in order to maintain emotional well-being. While it is in your nature to manage your financial affairs with care, it is probable that you will have changeable material circumstances in life. In your emotional life, you desire constancy and faithfulness in others. You know how to enjoy the good things in life and an attachment to possessions and acquisitions is likely. There can be a risk of weight gain through over-indulgence.

Moon in 3rd House
You are a communicative person requiring mental and emotional stimulation within your environment. Your siblings and relatives play an important part in your personal development. You experience a lot of change and mobility in your day-to-day life. Familiar surroundings give you a sense of security.

Moon Square Mercury
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. Your mind is acute and quick to comprehend things, however, it may not necessarily be consistent or well ordered. You are highly perceptive and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. You can also be inclined to change your views and opinions, engage in gossip, criticize others and stretch the truth on occasion.

Moon Square Saturn
It would be fair to say that you do not find it easy to express your feelings to others; even those who have your trust. At times, you feel overwhelmed and exhausted by family responsibilities and it is possible that your relationship with a parent is distant or emotionally unfulfilling. There may be general difficulties with the female-sex. You are also given to recycling feelings of anxiety and worry.

Moon Sextile Neptune
You are highly perceptive and sensitive to influences around you and able to pick up on the feelings of others and the mood of the environment. Your empathic manner attracts others to you and you know how to comfort and heal those in need. You are easily inspired and have a vivid imagination with the ability to tap into a wide range of creative talents, including music, poetry, painting and photography. Your dream-life is also likely to be active.

Moon Trine Pluto
Your feelings are deep and intense and frequently complicated. However, you have acute instincts and can usually sense emerging difficulties in associations and deal with them before they become unmanageable. You can become obsessed with particular objectives and will concentrate your emotional energy into attaining their realization.

Mercury in Aquarius
You have a modern, contemporary and progressive outlook on life. An ‘ideas’ person, you think up original ways to tackle life’s problems. You have an excellent intuition and a quick mind. You are mentally stimulating but can also be intellectually arrogant, provocative and prone to fixed opinions. At times, you are impersonal and aloof.

Mercury in 1st House
You have an intellectual outlook on life, with an inquiring and curious mind. Your thinking can be self-orientated and you may have some difficulties appreciating the views or thoughts of others. You are intellectually sharp and quick-witted and learn fast, especially from personal experience. You are mercurial by nature and can be talkative one day and reserved or reflective another.

Mercury Square Moon
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. Your mind is acute and quick to comprehend things, however, it may not necessarily be consistent or well ordered. You are highly perceptive and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. You can also be inclined to change your views and opinions, engage in gossip, criticize others and stretch the truth on occasion.

Mercury Trine Mars
You have an alert and agile mind, with the ability to think quickly and decisively. Direct in your communications with others, you know how to be convincing and how to press a point. You enjoy instigating or participating in discussions and debates. You have the ability to think for yourself and to put your own ideas into action. You thrive on mental stimulation and challenge.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn
Your thinking is serious, realistic and conservative. You tend to be precise in your speech, logical in your approach to things and methodical in your working habits. You have excellent powers of concentration and can succeed with academic study or research work. However, you can be prone to bouts of self-doubt regarding your mental abilities, which can restrict your educational achievements. You may experience communication difficulties caused by shyness, inhibition or a lack of self-confidence. Possibly, you may experience periods of depression and pessimism.

Mercury Square Uranus
You are independently minded and intellectually flexible. You have original ideas, coupled with the capability to think laterally and progressively. You have reformatory views and are always prepared to challenge the status quo. Sharp-minded and astute, you comprehend things quickly. In some cases, your views may be too radical, which can isolate you socially or make you appear eccentric. You can also be contradictory and easily distracted. There can be a proneness to bouts of nervous tension, anxiety and mental stress.


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