HoroscopeFebruary 19, 2023

Start your week right!

with the

Weekly Gemini:

Welcome to the weekly Gemini report where each week we bring you Total Gemini twin insight.

Feb 19

Sun in Pisces
You have a sensitive and emotional nature with a great depth of feeling and empathy. You have genuine concern for the needs of others and possess a high degree of tolerance and a readiness to forgive. Deeply caring, sympathetic and compassionate, you tend to believe in the best of others. You have a great deal of imagination. A dreamer, you often harbor unspoken longings and yearnings. You are, at times, elusive and evasive; to such an extent that people can find you hard to pin down. You dislike confrontations and tend to avoid strict routines and restrictions.

Sun in 1st House
You have a strong personal presence, charisma and an ability to make an impact on others. Strong-willed and proud, you express yourself with confidence and authority. You have leadership capabilities, coupled with a strong desire for recognition and personal success. At times, you can be inclined to overwhelm other people with the power of your personality or prone to pride and egotism.

Sun Conjunct Saturn
You are a pragmatist at heart. You view life seriously and realistically, with clear vision and the awareness that nothing is achieved without effort and industry. Your advancement in life is steady but sure. You have good powers of perseverance and patience and will achieve your objectives by making sacrifices and exercising self-discipline. You can, at times, appear shy, reserved or withdrawn. You are very good at focusing on the job at hand, are well organized and capable of sorting out priorities. You have a mature outlook and the ability to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Alternatively, you can experience periods of inhibited self-expression and despondency. You may also be prone to bouts of low vitality or delicate health. Separations are to be expected, as well as testing experiences with the male sex or authority figures.

Sun Sextile Moon’s North Node
You are essentially people oriented and motivated by the desire to form and cultivate associations. You have an aptitude for public related work and generally prefer the company of intellectually stimulating and creative people. You count important and significant people among your contacts.

Moon in Aquarius
You intuitively understand other people and empathize with their needs. A true humanitarian, you are inclined to put others’ emotional needs before your own. You have an understanding, if somewhat detached nature, which can be seen as cool and aloof. While you enjoy emotional contact, your natural tendency is to maintain independence. This can cause some problems in intimate relationships. Your domestic arrangements are likely to be unique.

Moon in 1st House
You are an emotionally sensitive and receptive person and are inclined to wear your feelings on your sleeve. Your moods impact upon those around you. You tend to be guided by your feelings you can come across as changeable and hypersensitive. You have a need to be in touch with others in your environment and may show talents in the public or service sectors.

Moon Trine Mars
Your feelings and actions are in sync with each other: how you feel determines the way you act or react to situations. You are usually honest about your feelings and have little trouble expressing them. You enjoy keeping busy and initiating new projects and enterprises. Being bold and courageous, you will speak your mind and express yourself in a direct manner in confrontational situations. Others know where they stand with you, as you’re always prepared to ‘lay your cards on the table’.

Moon Square Uranus
You are likely to display strongly individualistic inclinations from an early age, coupled with a tendency to rebel against restrictions on your freedom and independence. You can be very strong-willed and ambitious and capable of making sacrifices for the attainment of personal objectives. Negatively, there can be states of anxiety and nervous tension. Strained family dynamics and changeable relationships with women are possible.

Mercury in Aquarius
You have a modern, contemporary and progressive outlook on life. An ‘ideas’ person, you think up original ways to tackle life’s problems. You have an excellent intuition and a quick mind. You are mentally stimulating but can also be intellectually arrogant, provocative and prone to fixed opinions. At times, you are impersonal and aloof.

Mercury in 1st House
You have an intellectual outlook on life, with an inquiring and curious mind. Your thinking can be self-orientated and you may have some difficulties appreciating the views or thoughts of others. You are intellectually sharp and quick-witted and learn fast, especially from personal experience. You are mercurial by nature and can be talkative one day and reserved or reflective another.

Mercury Trine Mars
You have an alert and agile mind, with the ability to think quickly and decisively. Direct in your communications with others, you know how to be convincing and how to press a point. You enjoy instigating or participating in discussions and debates. You have the ability to think for yourself and to put your own ideas into action. You thrive on mental stimulation and challenge.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter
You are basically an optimist at heart and usually express a positive and confident outlook on life. In general, you are a good communicator and can express your ideas easily. In your desire to broaden your knowledge, you will most likely travel, correspond with people in other countries. A sense of humor, wit and a generous nature will gain you popularity with others.

Mercury Square Uranus
You are independently minded and intellectually flexible. You have original ideas, coupled with the capability to think laterally and progressively. You have reformatory views and are always prepared to challenge the status quo. Sharp-minded and astute, you comprehend things quickly. In some cases, your views may be too radical, which can isolate you socially or make you appear eccentric. You can also be contradictory and easily distracted. There can be a proneness to bouts of nervous tension, anxiety and mental stress.

Mercury Square Moon’s North Node
You are motivated by the need to establish intellectual and mentally stimulating connections in life. Your associates are likely to be business people, academics, students and teachers. Clear communication in your relationships is of primary importance to you. Misunderstandings between people are possible through insincerity and miscommunication.


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