ArticlesBlogEmbrace Your Inner Star Stuff

Have you ever just looked up at the night sky with a complete sense of wonderment? Have you ever felt as if we are part of something bigger? If so, you are not alone. briefly touches on the reasoning of this tendency to be awestruck by our night sky.

The Big Bang starts with an initial singularity that contained all matter and space, which then exploded and expanded to create the universe as we know it today; including all the galaxies, stars, planets and also all of us human beings on planet earth. We owe our thanks to a huge explosion that put all the things in place so that we may exist.  So, essentially, we are ‘of the stars’.

Galaxy View

Undeniably, the space surrounding us affects us in our daily lives:

        • Everyone strives to see the next eclipse.
        • We all know the moon moves our bodies of water.
        • We all gasp at the full moon when it looks huge and seemingly larger than normal.
        • We all learn a bit about the constellations and the movement of the planet
        • It seems to be human nature to gaze upwards at the twinkling night sky complete in awe

We are in fact, influenced by these celestial bodies simply by our mere interest. But, is there more? thinks so.

Astrology has been around for a very long time.  The word astrology comes from the Greek words “astron” meaning “star” and “logia” meaning “study.” The earliest known mention of astrology was in Mesopotamia around 1000 BC.

Astrologers have assigned different meanings to different stars, planets, and constellations. These interpretations are often based on ancient texts and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. Furthermore, astrology is the study of how the stars and planets affect humans in a variety of ways, from their personality traits to their future.

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of several of our closest celestial objects as a means for extrapolating information about human affairs and terrestrial events.  There are many different types but they all share the belief that there is a connection between heavenly bodies and earthly events.

A person’s outer world and inner world are connected through the elements of the universe; thus astrology brings that feeling of awe of the night sky into a tangible realization. So, why not embrace your inner star stuff and explore what the stars and planets mean to you?

Join us at as we explore our astrological connection to the universe.

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