Hello Gemini!

Start each day with your daily horoscope and prepare yourself for the next mercury retrograde with this calendar.

Today’s Gemini Horoscope Highlight

September 27, 2024

  • Sept 27, 2024Moon Square Venus
    Watch out for conflicting goals and energy-wasting diminishing returns today. What may seem like deceit could be just mixed emotions, or vice versa. Rather than jump into a stewpot, let it boil a bit and see if it simmers down. When all get more certain of what they want, it will be easier to move in concert together.

Mercury Retrograde

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< September 2024 >
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1Sept 1, 2024Sept 1, 2024Moon Conjunct Mercury
Time to be quick and make smart deals as the intellectual pace around you quickens. Where you can put emotions into words, you will be at the top of the heap, as that's going to be the way to connect and build on your connections right now. Feelings get aired and a greater sense of control and satisfaction results.

2Sept 2, 2024Sept 2, 2024Mercury Square Saturn
Faulty information can hang you up, and chasing a false lead can waste even more precious time. Be suspicious of unasked-for criticism, as it may be offered just to slow you up. Better right now to rely on what you already knew and not what you are being told. Turning a deaf ear may be just what will see you through.

3Sept 3, 2024Sept 3, 2024Moon Square Mercury
Disputes between head and heart can raise issues that consume a lot of time but don't actually resolve anything. If you can't clarify things quickly, drop the matter and move on. Resist the impulse to insist — if it won't untwist, just cease and desist.

4Sept 4, 2024Sept 4, 2024Moon Trine Uranus
This is a great day for bounding into unexplored territory, and you will find others are doing the same. Inventiveness and originality are favored, as are projects and personal involvements which partake of them. If you haven't tried it, now's the time, whatever "it" may be. Open your eyes, listen up, try a taste.

5Sept 5, 2024Sept 5, 2024Mars Sextile Venus
Steady efforts provide regular rewards, and you needn't strive too hard to get what you want — just keep at it. Shared energies and shared goals mean you don't have to provide all the fuel to keep things running. Cruising speed is all you need, and keeping good company makes it all the sweeter when you arrive.

6Sept 6, 2024Sept 6, 2024Moon Trine Jupiter
Emotional tides are strong and upbeat, and all you have to do is ride them as if you were born to sail. Foundations laid today will be firm and supportive and continue to evolve that way. Feelings of friendship abound and it's easy to see the good side of anyone — just remember there may be other sides, too.

7Sept 7, 2024Sept 7, 2024Moon Trine Mars
Today has strength and energy written all over it – a good time for a power breakfast, lunch, or dinner and getting down to brass tacks on deals you want to see really pick up speed. Or a good time for just getting out there and getting physical. A strong stride established today will take you all the way to the finish line.

8Sept 8, 2024Sept 8, 2024Moon Trine Saturn
There's a certain stability in the general atmosphere that makes it safe to say what you feel, but not too much. Conservation of emotion might be the phrase. It's a time to be mutually reassuring, rather than wildly supportive; projects launched will be stable, though, perhaps not very showy.

9Sept 9, 2024Sept 9, 2024Mercury Trine Venus
If you can say it, you can have it, so don't hesitate to articulate your desires and you can get what/whom you want. Chances are, you'll be hearing news of the availability of what you've been looking for — just sing out, and it's yours. Putting your world into especially beautiful order comes easy, so take the opportunity.

10Sept 10, 2024Sept 10, 2024Venus Trine Mercury
If you can put it into words, you'll find someone who wants it, so put it out there and be articulate. Anything you say can find a market if you give it some thought, so put your thinking cap on and start filling orders. A pleasant turn of phrase and a positive attitude is what's in demand, and you've got it.

11Sept 11, 2024Sept 11, 2024Venus Trine Sun
By providing what's needed, you become what's wanted, and you'll be showered with love and gratitude for simply being yourself. Remember that desire is fickle and moves on, so take in as much as you can while the feeling lasts. Absorb the passion of the moment as it comes easily, and remember how you did it.

12Sept 12, 2024Sept 12, 2024Moon Trine Mercury
Today is a good time to express your feelings with conviction, knowing that there will be response in kind. Situations that arise now will have lasting clarity and a quality of self-reinvention as they move along, as head and heart are on the same page and will tend to remain that way.

13Sept 13, 2024Sept 13, 2024Moon Square Venus
Watch out for conflicting goals and energy-wasting diminishing returns today. What may seem like deceit could be just mixed emotions, or vice versa. Rather than jump into a stewpot, let it boil a bit and see if it simmers down. When all get more certain of what they want, it will be easier to move in concert together.

14Sept 14, 2024Sept 14, 2024Moon Square Venus
Chasing after gain may give you cause to complain, as getting what/whom you want at the desired where and when just leads to one complication after another. You may have to settle for second best or some sort of compromise, unless you're willing to wait and do without and see if it all comes together later.

15Sept 15, 2024Sept 15, 2024Moon Trine Mercury
Head and heart go hand in hand and workable solutions are available that feel as good as they work. You can put emotions into phrases that hit the mark and get your message across in more than just words. Multilevel thinking enables you to see all sides of the issue and be a friend and helpmate to all concerned.

16Sept 16, 2024Sept 16, 2024Moon Sextile Venus
Small signals under the table will get you everything you need without rocking the boat. A wise wink and a knowing glance will put you on the road to satisfaction, when a direct request might get you put off. Implied understandings and understood arrangements are the tools of the moment for accrued payoffs.

17Full Super Harvest MoonFull Super Harvest MoonFull Super Harvest Moon in Pisces. Second Super Moon of 2024.

Sept 17, 2024Sept 17, 2024Moon Square Mercury
Disputes between head and heart can raise issues that consume a lot of time but don't actually resolve anything. If you can't clarify things quickly, drop the matter and move on. Resist the impulse to insist — if it won't untwist, just cease and desist.

Sept 17, 2024Sept 17, 2024Moon Opposite Sun
Full Moon in 8th House
If you've been chasing down that extra credit line, looking for a better deal on a mortgage or equity loan, this is a likely time to pull it all together, as long as you've got all your ducks in a row. That may mean scrambling for some last minute details or information to make it under a deadline, but there's real potential here. It's also good psychic weather for putting the finishing touches on restoration projects, picking up that antique you've been chasing down, and clearing out the cobwebs that may have been settling on lesser-used items. You'll have the courage to toss out those useless things you've been hoarding, and the burst of freedom will do you good. The theme: finish clearing the decks for action.

Full Moon in Pisces
"Harvest" Moon should be a time for reflection, but when your shoveling in the harvest, there usually isn't time for it. Or at least it seems that way now, as there's a lot of pressure to produce something tangible surrounded by the inclination to do nothing at all and just get lost in space. Your reward comes from striking a balance and letting the pace and timing of your task become your self-made soundtrack. Hum along with the rhythm of your own wheels and you'll find that at the end of the day everything got done and you had a dream time doing it. It's all a little bit surreal, so watch yourself in wonder.

18Sept 18, 2024Sept 18, 2024Mercury Opposite Saturn
Navigating past the logjams of the mind can be a challenge, and sometimes you just can't get your head together and focused. The brain drain is the pain, but only periodically, with equal periods of mental energy and clear thinking. It's happening all around, so best wait until things lighten up before making commitments.

19Sept 19, 2024Sept 19, 2024Moon Sextile Sun
Compatible forces surround you and it pays not to make waves, but welcome the help and share the wealth. Diplomacy and consideration will get you everywhere, so be on your best behavior and you'll be in like Flynn. Small, multiple moves are favored over big leaps, they mount up and you go just as far.

20Sept 20, 2024Sept 20, 2024Moon Conjunct Venus
Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are a natural this time of the month, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't chow down too heavily — the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

21Sept 21, 2024Sept 21, 2024Venus Trine Mars
The dance is underway and for the moment, you lead, others follow in pursuit. Strut your stuff and don't stand still, because it's your motion that's getting the attention. You needn't strain yourself — in fact, its your fluidity and grace that makes you a magnet. Just move with the music, swing your partner with abandon.

22Fall EquinoxFall EquinoxFall Equinox. Day and night are of near equal time.

Sept 22, 2024Sept 22, 2024Sun in Libra
Change for change itself becomes a general theme for the next month, and you may at times wonder why people keep pushing for unnecessary shifts. It's all about jockeying for position, but that only works for you if you're in a race. Whether you are, and what to do about it, may be this month's essay subject.

23Sept 23, 2024Sept 23, 2024Moon Trine Jupiter
Sometimes you just know it's right and jump without hesitation. Right now that can put you well ahead of the game, as a good sense of what will work finds something sensible to work with. The general feeling all around is that your plan is the best one, so take advantage and move as far as you can.

24Sept 24, 2024Sept 24, 2024Moon Conjunct Mercury
Flashes of insight and solutions to problems are likely to surface in conjunction with the general energy high during these few days. Don't force them, just let them appear and scoop them up as you speed along, your momentum will be lost if you tarry too long. Swing your mallet like a polo player on the gallop.

25Sept 25, 2024Sept 25, 2024Mercury Square Mars
Your bundle of energy can get all balled up very quickly if you get into a repetitive rut. Don't drain yourself trying to prove that you've got what it takes — just do what it takes and be done with it. Last-ditch efforts can put you in the ditch, so don't try to force a finish where it could be your own.

26Sept 26, 2024Sept 26, 2024Moon Trine Saturn
If you follow well-marked roads your trip will be shorter and you won't get lost. Stick to the tried and true and don't experiment for the moment. You'll find support from elements that might otherwise pull away. Don't rock the boat and the boat will get you where you want to go. Traditional wisdom supports you, believe in it.

27Sept 27, 2024Sept 27, 2024Moon Square Venus
Watch out for conflicting goals and energy-wasting diminishing returns today. What may seem like deceit could be just mixed emotions, or vice versa. Rather than jump into a stewpot, let it boil a bit and see if it simmers down. When all get more certain of what they want, it will be easier to move in concert together.

28Sept 28, 2024Sept 28, 2024Moon Sextile Jupiter
Good feelings may be taken for granted today, so you might go out of your way to appreciate them. Positive elements today are the little things in life, so invest in the small for the long haul and you'll be sure of a return. Look to get dividends, not a big turnover, and you'll be right in the flow as they grow.

29Sept 29, 2024Sept 29, 2024Moon Sextile Venus
It's a good day for agreements and generally patting each other on the back — or, maybe, for scratching each other's backs. It will be easy to see eye-to-eye, and shared goals and feelings can be put into action to bring later results. Mutual investment, mutual trust, and relaxed progress are all in the atmosphere.

30Sept 30, 2024Sept 30, 2024Mercury Conjunct Sun
High mental energy burns hot, a real brain boiler. The trick is to keep up with everyone without missing a stitch or dropping the ball. Great ideas abound, but don't buy everything you see until you give it a second, cooler look. Everyone can be too close to the subject to realize that what recommends it is only the heat of the moment.

 Gemini Daily Horoscope
 Mercury Retrograde
 Full Moon

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