About Us

Total Gemini

About Us:

Total Gemini is owned and operated by…. You guessed it!  Sun sign Gemini!  Since Geminis tend to get bored easily, this website seeks to satisfy a variety of interests and we will be adding stuff randomly.

Please be aware this site is constantly being developed; if you come across it by accident or by invitation – there may be buttons that lead nowhere as we are growing our site to best serve you; please know that we are aware of dead-end links that likely circle you back to the front page.  Should you experience this; please try the menu to find you way through our site.

Have a look around!

We are all made of star stuff and it is our intention to help you learn how the energies of the cosmos affects your body, mind and spirit.  Read through our articles, browse the site and maybe check out your birth chart interpretation. Which is absolutely free and can be accessed HERE.

With deeper knowledge you gain deeper understanding, with deeper understanding you have richer experiences.

We are expanding our reach through YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. YouTube is where you’ll find our sacred geometry videos of which we enjoy creating.

Also, we are not short on offerings for you. If astrology isn’t your thing maybe you prefer meditational sound instead – we have that for you, HERE. Fascinated by the moon? Get your moon reading HERE.

Total Gemini is a registered Trademark with the USPTO.


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